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Uptown Drama Podcast

About Us

Our Mission


We are an intimate stage for everyone. Playwrights will invent, artists will risk, and audiences will be immersed in new and familiar plays they can see from all sides. Feel emboldened, entertained and intrigued – rediscover and reach for T3





T3’s Season is Sponsored in Part By:

texas commission on the arts logothe arts community allianceart works national endowment for the arts logo



Theatre Three’s Affiliates:

actors equity logo ascap logonational new play networkPlaywrights Welcome logo Stage Directors and Choreographers Society logo Theatre Communications Group logo

Theatre Three

2688 Laclede St #120,
Dallas, TX 75201

(214) 871-3300

Box Office Hours of Operation
Tuesday-Friday: Noon – 5:00 PM
On Performance Days: Noon – Curtain

2688 Laclede St, Dallas, TX 75201, USA