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Our History

Now entering its 62nd season, T3 was founded by Norma Young, Jac Alder, Esther Ragland, and Roy Dracup in 1961, first performing seasons of acclaimed theatre at the Sheraton Hotel. In time, the organization needed more space and moved to a renovated factory space in Deep Ellum. In 1969, the organization leased its current space in Uptown in the Quadrangle. In 1985, T3 purchased the building and underwent extensive remodeling.

Black Lives Matter. We on the Theatre Three Board champion justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. The Theatre has a unique and important role in creating change. We must be diligent in our stance of anti-discrimination and anti-racism, as we fight inequality and injustice. We are dedicated to building a more just and equitable society.

The Board

Artistic Director’s Letter to Artists

Art is not easy. Art is not comfortable.
It’s messy, complicated and entirely subjective.
On rare occasions it is sublime.
We will do our best to provide a safe and collaborative space for you to excel.
After all, it’s in our mission statement and the meaning behind our name;
To nurture the 3 pillars of theatre: artists, audience and authors.
We will offer praise when earned and criticism when necessary.
You can’t have one without the other.
In the rehearsal room we will be tough but fair.
We all can be better at what we do. No exceptions.
Come prepared to work. Come to work prepared.
Support your fellow artists by giving freely of your best self.
Be responsible with your instrument, actions, and conversations.
We are all stewards of theatre.

Core Values

  • Artistry: Presenting compelling and entertaining theatre with a commitment to engaging the highest quality talent throughout the organization
  • Stewardship: Supporting a professionally managed and fiscally stable business
  • Inclusion: Serving as an arts community leader in inclusion, equity, diversity and accessibility ― onstage and throughout the organization
  • Innovation: Pushing creative boundaries and maximizing theatrical possibilities with leading-edge technology and production values
  • Leadership: Serving as a cultural hub ― igniting experimentation and collaboration through high-impact programs
  • Legacy: Honoring Co-Founders Norma Young and Jac Alder, artistic visionaries and Dallas theatre pioneer

A Tradition of Excellence

T3 has introduced the metroplex to classic plays, musicals, and scores of new Tony Award-winning and Pulitzer Prize-winners. Two such writers went on to win their own Pulitzer Prize: Beth Henley and Doug Wright, both of whom acted extensively on T3’s stage in their formative years. Young served as the theatre’s Artistic Director until her death in 1998. Jac served as the Executive Producer-Director until his death on May 22, 2015. On January 1, 2017, after a long national search, Jeffrey Schmidt began his tenure as our current Artistic Director. Almost immediately, he indicated his intention to be a bridge from what this theatre has been to where it will fit into the landscape of the future. Schmidt has stated his vision includes striking a balance between the innovative and the classic, with inventive design, and exciting opportunities for actors. New work development by local writers is also part of the equation. Schmidt has stayed true to his commitment to fostering new and local works by including them in the mainstage season, and by making T3’s secondary space an incubator for playwrights to develop their work and as a rental space for other companies.

Our Mission

We are an intimate stage for everyone. Playwrights will invent, artists will risk, and audiences will be immersed in new and familiar plays they can see from all sides. Feel emboldened, entertained and intrigued – rediscover and reach for T3

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