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Make A Night of It!!!

Just a tad north of downtown Dallas and connected by Klyde Warren Park, Uptown is a dynamic district with more than its fair share of shopping, restaurants, and nightlife destinations that are as popular with those calling the neighborhood home as they are with visitors.

Uptown is known for its eclectic bar and restaurant scene, including lively sports bars, posh global bistros and hip cocktail lounges. The action centers on McKinney Avenue, where a free vintage trolley trundles past boutiques selling high-end fashion and chic western wear. Attracting joggers and cyclists, the Katy Trail skirts Turtle Creek, passing parks, and beer gardens. And of course T3!

Grab dinner and drinks before or after a show from one of our neighbors!

Nearby Restaurants and Bars
Coming Soon to the Quad

Join us select Sundays after the show for an intimate and brief post show conversations with cast and audience. Stayed on those Sunday afternoons to share/gain insight, ask questions, and talk about whatever it is that resonated with you about the play/musical. Can’t make it Sunday? You can also ask us questions on our Instagram.


Get parking details here.


Theatre Three offers ADA seating. If you or a member of your party requires special accommodations, please contact the box office.

Need an assisted listening device? Theatre Three has recently installed a new state of the art assisted listening system with brand new devices. We have three different headsets: single ear, double, and neck loops that are compatible with cochlear implants. Just check one out at the box office when you arrive!

Join Us for a Show Today!