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Imagine a stage with the same actor playing every role – all season – every season…you wouldn’t want that, and neither do we.  Theatre Three is committed to developing, supporting, and presenting diverse work from diverse sources with diverse casts and crews to a diverse audience.  Having a long history of doing just that, Theatre Three commits to continuing to promote these tenets in everything that we do.  It makes for better theatre, and it makes a better world.


Available Opportunities:

Box Office Agent
Stage Management, Musician, Crew, and Overhire

Future Opportunities:

Directors and Designers

Theatre Three is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EOE). Qualified applicants are considered for employment without regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. If you need assistance or an accommodation during the application process because of a disability, it is available upon request. The company is pleased to provide such assistance, and no applicant will be penalized as a result of such a request.


Carrie: The Musical

Music by Michael Gore
Lyrics by Dean Pitchford
Book by Lawrence D. Cohen
Based on the novel by Stephen King

Carrie White is a teenage outcast who longs to fit in. At school, she’s bullied by the popular crowd, and virtually invisible to everyone else. At home, she’s dominated by her loving but cruelly controlling mother. What none of them know is that Carrie’s just discovered she’s got a special power, and if pushed too far, she’s not afraid to use it.

This is a co-production with Southern Methodist University. Many roles have been pre-cast.

When: May 14 1-9pm CST

Where: T3

To schedule an audition appointment, please email: .

Emails will be responded to Monday – Friday 10 am -6 pm.
If you are unable to attend these in-person auditions, you may submit a video audition.
Please email to receive musical cuts to prepare for your

For video submissions, please submit your headshot, resume and video
audition to:

Video submission deadline is May 15th.

Available Roles:

MARGARET WHITE: Female, Age: 35-55 +/-, Vocal Range: Soprano. One of the main antagonists of
the show. Carrie’s overprotective and abusive mother, Margaret is a religious zealot. Although she
loves Carrie and wants to protect her from the world, especially from the school, her fanaticism often
drives her to abuse her daughter. Soprano, High Note E5, Low Note C4 (Middle C).

SUE SNELL: Female, Age: 16-18, Vocal Range: Mezzo-soprano. This character is one of the most
popular girls at school, Sue initially teases Carrie like all the other girls, but later feels remorse for what
she’s done. To make up for all she’s done, she asks her boyfriend, Tommy Ross, to take Carrie to
prom instead of her. Mezzo-Soprano, High Note E5, Low Note A3. Belting, rock.

MR STEPHENS: Male, Age: 25-40 +/-, Vocal Range: Tenor/Baritone. This well-intentioned English
teacher and guidance counselor struggles to help his students realize their potential. A dedicated
educator, he’s stretched thin in his duties, woefully underpaid, and a bit overwhelmed as to how to
handle the Billy Nolans of the classroom zone. Tenor/Baritone, High Note B4, Low Note A3, belting,


Theatre Three is always looking for volunteers to usher! Just sign up for whatever night works for you and come join us for a fun night of theatre! If you have any questions, send our Box Office Manager, James Chandler, an email!

Apprentice Program



Theatre Three is proud to offer this unique apprenticeship opportunity to people who have just graduated college and are interested in a career in professional theatre. Apprentices serve as part of the production team of Theatre Three for one full season and receive a weekly stipend of $350. We are looking for two apprentices to serve as either a season production assistant OR as a design and technical assistant. This program also serves to develop new skills in areas that apprentices might not be familiar with so both apprentices should be willing and prepared to work outside of their specialty.

As a Production Assistant, you can expect:

    • to work side-by-side with an Equity Stage Manager during all rehearsals
    • to be an active participant in all production meetings with some of DFW’s best directors and designers
    • to either run lights and sound or manage backstage during performances
    • to serve as properties master on productions you are working on

As a Design and Technical Apprentice, you can expect:

  • to assist in Design Elements of a production.
  • to assist the Technical Director with the build, installation, and strike of a production
  • to assist the Master Electrician with hang and focus
  • to assist the Scenic Painter
  • to assist with general building maintenance



Both apprentices can expect to gain the experience they want and develop the connections they need as they make the transition from student to working professional.

The application deadline for the apprenticeship is Friday, May 24, 2024.

To apply, please send a cover letter specifying your interest in this program, a resume, and two letters of recommendations to:

Join Us for a Show Today!